Thursday, September 16, 2010

Intermediary post from computer

It´s Thursday, September 16th & I have posts & photos on my iPad ready for uploading, but its probable that I won´t have wifi for a few days more since I am staying in smaller hostels outside of the primary locations at the end of the usual "stages" since those are longer than I feel comfortable doing (usually 25 to 30 kms).  I can no longer use the option of skipping a stage & taking the bus if I want to get a Compostela at the end.  Since leaving Sarria (yesterday), a person has to walk the rest of the way--the final 100 kms to get the certificate & i kind of want it after all these blisters.  Also, I am enjoying staying in smaller albergues as they often provide meals and generally have a more homelike atmosphere (as opposed to the albergue in Cebreiro which has more than 100 beds in a huge dormitory with places to charge batteries at the end of each section!) Very tech savvy.  So the short version is that I am feeling better, still struggling with blisters (new ones!) but have been able to keep track of my mochila & have made arrangements for tomorrow by phone with the current taxista.  So hopefully, all will continue to go reasonably smoothly.  More photos to follow soon (looks a bit like Ireland or the US northwest).  I appreciate any comments--helps with feeling connected.


  1. Wow, it sounds like quite the experience! I'd love to be able to make a trip like that sometime. I love all of the pictures you've put up so far, it's beautiful there! I'm glad things are going a bit better and hope all goes great for you tomorrow. -Ana
    P.S. Emma & Zoe send lots of love!
