Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Still Tralee

Two other very well organized and informative exhibits at the Kerry County Museum: one a special exhibit called "Kerry Lives: 1950-70" by photographers Padraig and Joan Kennelly.  This focused on transformation from a highly rural society where 50% of the homes did not have ANY kind of toilet in 197, secondary school was only available for the well-to-do, and where Kerry lost 22% of its population to emigration due to economic necessity.  Dancing was a national passion in spite of the Bishop of Kerry criticizing it because late dances made people unfit "for a day's work that begins 3 or 4 hours later."  But the people refused to relinquish their dances with Kerry having 830 dances in 1955!

The second exhibit was called the "Medieval Experience" where the Tralee of the Middle Ages was recreated.  By the end of the 17th century, only a few of the original architectural stones survived.

1 comment:

  1. The "penguins" aka nuns stirred up memories and more issues to discuss in therapy. Scary. No wonder neither I or my classmates thought they were real women.
